The 3 A's of Authenticity
Authenticity matters. In fact, I would argue that it is the only path to the joy, freedom, and peace that we all long for. There are 7.75 billion people in the world and every single one of them thinks differently, feels differently, and interprets the world around them in a unique way. Each person has a pull in their gut that leads them to seek specific experiences in life. This pull is your authenticity. If you choose to allow it to lead your life, your life will become extraordinary, and it will fit you perfectly.
In the next few paragraphs, I'll explain my 3 A's to Authenticity coaching process, and how this process can transform your life, my life, and ultimately the world. In short, the three A's are: Awaken, Architect & Action.
In the next few paragraphs, I'll explain my 3 A's to Authenticity coaching process, and how this process can transform your life, my life, and ultimately the world. In short, the three A's are: Awaken, Architect & Action.
AWAKEN – Awaken your authentic self, and remove any barriers to accessing your inner wisdom and answers. Gain clarity on who you are.
ARCHITECT - Architect a life that is specifically tailored to you. Master healthy boundary creation, and develop habits & routines that will enable you to express yourself authentically in your life & relationships.
ACTION - Take courageous action that is in alignment with your authentic core, activate your resilience, and stand in the center of life without shrinking back.
Let's take a deeper look at what each of these A's means in a practical, real-world, solution-focused way.
ARCHITECT - Architect a life that is specifically tailored to you. Master healthy boundary creation, and develop habits & routines that will enable you to express yourself authentically in your life & relationships.
ACTION - Take courageous action that is in alignment with your authentic core, activate your resilience, and stand in the center of life without shrinking back.
Let's take a deeper look at what each of these A's means in a practical, real-world, solution-focused way.
First, Awaken. From the moment we are born, the world pushes in on us. For example, a parent is frustrated with a crying baby. Somewhere deep inside, that baby begins to create a belief system that being sad is wrong or being upset is an inconvenience. A young child is laughed at when they go to school wearing unpopular clothing. That child then adds evidence to a belief system that says you must do, act and dress like they say, in order to deserve love and attention. A high schooler is told that they need to have sex to be cool, and this high schooler builds another layer on their newly constructed sexual identity. This one says that sex isn't about personal pleasure, human connection, or self-expression, but amount gaining a status quo.
Exactly how the input of the world is logged as a belief system is unique to each of us. Our belief system, or our "story" of the way things work, is based on our own specific way of interpreting the world. I like to think of each human being born as a small bright shining light, and as we grow, layers upon layers are blanketed over this light. If we've had a particularly traumatic life, these layers can be thick and dense. Religious upbringing, outdated cultural norms, neurodiversity masking, race, gender, socioeconomic status, - all of these things add layers to this blanketing of your light. When you choose to set out on the path of authenticity, the first step is to remove all of these layers, and truly see yourself for who you are (before the world told you how to be). This is the Awaken phase.
Exactly how the input of the world is logged as a belief system is unique to each of us. Our belief system, or our "story" of the way things work, is based on our own specific way of interpreting the world. I like to think of each human being born as a small bright shining light, and as we grow, layers upon layers are blanketed over this light. If we've had a particularly traumatic life, these layers can be thick and dense. Religious upbringing, outdated cultural norms, neurodiversity masking, race, gender, socioeconomic status, - all of these things add layers to this blanketing of your light. When you choose to set out on the path of authenticity, the first step is to remove all of these layers, and truly see yourself for who you are (before the world told you how to be). This is the Awaken phase.
Second, Architect. Every single day the world is adding layers to cover your authenticity. It is impossible to live authentically and remain authentically revealed, without having habits, routines, and healthy boundaries that support you in standing in your truth rather than taking on the truths of the world. Humans are unique in the animal kingdom because of our super smart brains. However, our super smart brains are at their best when they are a tool used intentionally by our authentic selves. Unfortunately, many of us don't know how to do that and our minds run amuck, taking our lives in directions that don't always serve us or bring us joy.
In contrast, you have the ability to learn exactly what your authentic self needs to stay "in charge" and become the leader of your life. Each one of us has a unique recipe that allows us to stay seated in our authenticity. This recipe includes things like; how much sleep you get, the kinds of foods you eat, how much alone time you get, what hobbies fulfill you, the kind of people you surround yourself with, how much exercise you get, etc. Through a process of intentional guided experimentation and coaching, you can build your exact recipe. This will allow you to wake up every day liking yourself. You will become so grounded in who you are that life's challenges will not sway you, and you will understand what you need to do and be in order to feel more delight and pleasure in your life. This is the Architect phase.
In contrast, you have the ability to learn exactly what your authentic self needs to stay "in charge" and become the leader of your life. Each one of us has a unique recipe that allows us to stay seated in our authenticity. This recipe includes things like; how much sleep you get, the kinds of foods you eat, how much alone time you get, what hobbies fulfill you, the kind of people you surround yourself with, how much exercise you get, etc. Through a process of intentional guided experimentation and coaching, you can build your exact recipe. This will allow you to wake up every day liking yourself. You will become so grounded in who you are that life's challenges will not sway you, and you will understand what you need to do and be in order to feel more delight and pleasure in your life. This is the Architect phase.
Third, Action. After you complete the Awaken and Architect phases, it is time to go out and interact with the world in such a way that you are making use of it (rather than it making use of you). When you master this phase, the world becomes your playground, and life becomes this exciting game of seeing just what your authenticity can create in the play of life. There is no longer a "right" way to do things, or a place to arrive to, there is just the experience of living.
To master this phase, you will be called upon to become friends with failure. You will learn how to no longer be a slave to ideas about what other people think of you. You will discover how to lean into your authenticity to navigate hardship. You will develop the ability to be comfortable being uncomfortable. This phase activates your resilience. This is the Action phase.
To master this phase, you will be called upon to become friends with failure. You will learn how to no longer be a slave to ideas about what other people think of you. You will discover how to lean into your authenticity to navigate hardship. You will develop the ability to be comfortable being uncomfortable. This phase activates your resilience. This is the Action phase.
Wait, But Why?
When we learn the 3 A's of Authenticity, we set out on the journey of life with a different outlook and a different set of tools. Because we are living from our authenticity, which I also call the seat of the soul, we are naturally more empathic, compassionate, and kind. Our unhealed wounds no longer force us to be sarcastic in that email or be snide to our partner. Those kinds of behaviors become a waste of our time. They are simply. no longer attractive options. This means that people around us feel safe, acknowledged, and respected. One by one, as more of us learn to live this way, we change the world. We tip the scales and change the direction of humanity. The next revolution starts inside each of us.
The Next Step
If you're ready to begin my 3 A's of Authenticity coaching process, schedule a free consultation. Consultations are around 30 minutes long, and they are a safe, non-judgmental space for you and me to connect. We will have the opportunity to learn more about each other and discover what it would be like to work together. You'll be able to ask any questions you might have, and I'll outline for you the practical aspect of the process. I hope to connect with you soon. When you're ready, I'm here for you.